Why Working with a Designer is an Investment
It’s easy to think design is expensive. I get it. Especially that sticker shock and you see the $$$$ price tag. At the end of the day, that’s a huge investment. But that’s just it – it’s an investment.
“If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.”
– Dr. Ralf Speth
CEO | Jaguar Land Rover
Bad design could be costing you more than you realize.
It only takes a few seconds for somebody to form an opinion about your brand, and if your branding isn’t appealing enough or communicating the right messages, they’re going high-tail it out of their because nobody wants to waste their own time - this potentially costs you thousands in sales and loyal customers.
Good design my seem expensive, but will pay for itself in the end.
Good design my seem expensive, but at the cost of a transformation for your business, reaching your goals and solving your problems, the investment is worth it.
Your brand identity, packaging, web design (and all other design collateral such as social media, flyers, mailers, etc.) is never something you should price shop for, and here’s why:
We have expert knowledge in your industry and know how to make you stand out.
Designers (the ones that do it right) have a wide range of experience to pull from. And if they don’t, there’s no cutting corners. They take the time to dive into your industry, learn about the market, your target audience and come to a game plan on how to build a solution that will not only look great, but speak to your audience and move the needle.
Design can get you from where you are now to where you want to be.
Design by definition is a term that works off of systems. It forces us to think by all angles, from the macro to the micro, and back out to the macro. Creative decisions effect many factors from how things will come together, ultimately deciding the effect it will have on viewers, resulting in increase or loss of sales/business. It may sound like a dramatic progression, but transparently, that is what is at’s stake.
We solve your problems with strategic and thoughtful approaches.
We’re always excited to take on the fun projects and create cool things. But the answer isn’t always to rebrand. It takes looking at what is going wrong specifically within the organization to diagnose what the problem is and how to find a solution. If you go to the doctor with a problem, they don’t give you some antibiotics and push you out the door. They ask what’s wrong, do you have any pain in a certain area, what could be causing this issue. Only an accurate diagnosis will point to the solution. Conversely, if something is off with your business, numbers are down, you are losing followers, customers are bouncing from your page; rebranding is not a one-size-fits-all type of fix. It may be your copywriting, your type of marketing, your target audience, etc. Transparently, 70% of the time, the issue does lie within the visual identity because there is always a lack of clarity. Whether it is through the messaging or simply that the logomark is not practical, but it’s important to work your way down to the foundation (identity) rather than trying to fix the problem from the ground up.
One more tip for good measure…
Like most things in life, you can’t eat your cake and have it too. With almost all creative projects, they can be 2 of 3 things; good, fast, or cheap. If the end product is good and fast, it won’t be cheap. If it’s good and cheap, it won’t be fast. And most importantly, if it’s fast and cheap; it won’t be good.
Ready to invest in your brand (and yourself?)
Reach out to Southpaw today and we can schedule a call to help you and your brand reach its full potential.